5 Crucial Things Parents Need To Know About Roblox
As the popularity of the Roblox app continues to grow, parents are left wondering if they should give their kids free rein on this new 3-D gaming platform. It attracts over 64 million players per month, making it a great networking tool for children to be innovative, but are there any risks? What should you […]
How To Prepare Your Teen for a Career In Tech
The teen years aren’t just a time for heightened attitudes, awkward bodily changes, and rebellious behavior… It’s also a time when kids begin to explore their interests in a chosen career. Teenagers interested in the tech industry have a strikingly bright future as tech jobs are estimated to skyrocket over the years. Wondering how you […]
3 Highly Important Skills Your Teen Can Learn From Playing Roblox
Roblox Benefits for Teens It’s no secret that Roblox is a rapidly growing gaming platform, with millions of people hopping on every day to explore a seemingly endless world of possibilities. As a parent, you might be wondering, “Are there any benefits to this game?” In fact, there are. Aside from being highly engaging, it’s […]
How To Get Started As a Teen Entrepreneur
5 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Prepare Yourself for Business Ownership As a Teen 69 percent of teens say they have a business idea but are unsure of how to start the process. This is totally understandable. After all, you’re only a teenager and there are so many options when it comes to starting […]
5 tech tools to help your child start their business
Getting started: Your Child’s Business There are many things to think about when anyone starts a business, and this can definitely be overwhelming at times, especially for young entrepreneurs. No worries though, we’ve got your child covered with 5 main points they can focus on to get started and tech tools to aid them each […]
How some parents are supporting their children’s mental health during Covid
Mental health struggles to overcome “Summer vacation is here early” is what most students thought when they first went virtual. This was what Victoria Vial thought, a middle school student, who would sit in her comfy chair, in her pajamas, and text her friends during class at the beginning. (Peterson, 2021) After the next report […]
2 ways your teen can overcome time management struggles
Time Management Struggle Does this sound familiar to you? Your teen is trying to do some kind of work late at night around 11PM and they sit there for a few hours staring at the assignment or project but unable to get anything productive done. They’re frustrated saying, “How come I can’t get anything done […]
1 Surprising reason why some parents are able to keep their kids motivated
Imagine your child moving full speed towards their goals with confidence. Achieving at the highest level, filled with self belief, curiosity, and a growth mindset. Let’s examine the surprising relationship between a sense of ownership and motivation. Performance drop starts in elementary school New classroom research shows “that after second or third grade, many students begin […]